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Objective and Rules


Our goal is to provide an atmosphere that enhances the shooters’ experience when attending a long-range precision match.  We feel that the majority of match competitors attend these events to socialize with friends and acquaintances regardless of how competitive they are.  We want all shooters, regardless of ability and experience, to leave a match with a smile on their face and be excited about attending the next match. 


WPR is also taking a “hands-off” approach when interfacing with the Match Directors.  We want each match to be unique and a product of the MD’s creativity and personality. 


Because of the vastness of this region, we understand that not everyone can travel 6-10 hours to attend a match.  Our scoring tracking will allow a resident in Central Wyoming to compete against a resident in Western Montana in a virtual fashion.  We’ve added a three tier classification structure, based on an individual shooter performance, that will allow shooters of similar abilities to compete against each other.  Let’s face it, not everyone has the time or resources to practice multiple times a week or compete with $15,000 of gear.


WPR appreciates your support and interest in the organization.




WPR Series Rules   Effective 02/01/2021 


1. Match times, scoring, additional rifle restrictions, and course of fire are the responsibility of each match director.


2. Cancelations, disqualifications, rainouts, and final standings for the individual matches are the responsibility of the match director.


3. Only scores obtained after you register will count towards your WPR points.


4. Match scores will be submitted by match directors to WPR or extracted from Practiscore. Scores will be recorded as provided by the match director or as they appear in Practiscore; shooters are strongly encouraged to confirm their scores with the MD before leaving the match to ensure accurate scores are entered into WPR standings.


5. The WPR competitors’ season score will consist of their top three (3) scores.  At least two (2) venues within the wpr series must be attended (all three (3) of your top scores cannot come from the same venue).


6. All competitors will begin the season “unclassified”. The competitors’ first two (2) scores of the season will be used to classify each competitor. These classifications will carry over to each new season (new shooters will need to classify with two matches). 


The class tiers are as follows:


• “A” Class – Scores greater than 80% of match-winner.

• “B” Class – Scores greater than 55% but less than or equal to 80% of match-winner, two consecutive match results exceeding 80% will result in competitor moving to “A” class.

• “C” Class – Scores less than or equal to 55% of match-winner, two consecutive match results exceeding 55% will result  in competitor moving to “B” class.


You can “class up” but you cannot “class down”. This means that if you initially classify as a “B” shooter based on your first two (2) scores and continue to improve throughout the year, resulting in two (2) consecutive match scores over 80%, you are now permanently an “A” shooter. Certain circumstances may allow a shooter to “class down” and will be handled on a case-by-case basis. 


WPR points will be obtained from the individual match scores. The top shooter for each match will receive 100 points, each shooter will receive WPR points as a percentage of the match winners’ points.




• Match winner gets 69 out of 81 possible points – Receives 100 WPR points.

• The next highest shooter gets 67 points – 67 is 97.101% of 69 which equals 97.101 WPR points.

• 13th place shooter gets 41 points – 41 is 59.420% of 69 which equals 59.420 WPR points.


8. Tiebreakers. Ties for placement that occur at an individual match will be decided by the match director. In the event, two or more shooters tie for first place at an individual match, both shooters will receive 100 WPR points. Ties for places less than first will receive the same WPR points per the scoring formula. If, at the end of the season, there is a tie, the tie-breaker will be determined by hit percentage (hits vs total hits possible). This overall percentage will be taken from the shooter’s top three (3) matches and will be averaged. The best percentage determines the winner, next best for second, and so on.


9. Competitors are required to follow the rules of each individual match. Any intentional deviation from these rules to improve one’s standings or altering scorecards to reflect a score other than what a competitor received according to match rules may be cause to forfeit WPR points for that match or the season, to be determined by WPR, following review.

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